LIFE International - Seafarers Center - Agigea
Revista: SLN Heading nr.1 (1)
Capitol: Seamen's Club
Pagina: 35
Autor: Valentin Dumitru - Redactor șef adjunct revista Cap Compas
Cod articol: #1-29-250
Life International Seafarers Center is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization, with a humanitarian and social profile, being independent from any political organization. Life International Seafarers Center is dedicated to serve all the seafarers of whatever race, colour, religion, faith, as well as the welfare of their families. The organization will offer moral, spiritual and material support to those seafarers that are confronted with difficult situations. It will also offer counseling and direction to seafarers and their families. Some of the services offered: - Money transfer services (via Money Gram or Western Union Money Transfer Services), from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM. - Free transportation to the Seafarer's Center and back to ship. - Internet and email services. - Mail delivery, phone and fax services. - Gym. - Shopping at supermarkets. - Constanta city tour. - Games - billiard, table tennis, etc. - Books and magazines. - TV / Video. - Refreshments.