ITF Inspectorate securing seafarer's owed wages
Revista: SLN Heading nr.1 (1)
Capitol: ITF Seafarers
Pagina: 8-9
Autor: ITF Seafarers - Autor necunoscut
Cod articol: #1-3-236
About the Inspectorate The ITF has a network of around 130 Inspectors, based in ports all over the world. ITF Inspectors are union officials who are either full time or part time working on issues concerning the ITF FOC Campaign. Many ITF Inspectors are former seafarers or dock workers. Their job is to inspect ships calling in their ports, to ensure the seafarers/union members have decent pay, working conditions and living conditions on board. They conduct routine inspections and also visit ships on request of the crew. If necessary they assist with actions to protect seafarers' rights as permitted by law. All ITF Inspectors speak English as well as their own native language and - in some cases - other languages. A flag of convenience ship is one that flies the flag of a country other than the country of ownership. Cheap registration fees, low or no taxes and freedom to employ cheap labour are the motivating factors behind a shipowner's decision to 'flag out'. Once a ship is registered under an FOC many shipowners then recruit the cheapest labour they can find, pay minimal wages and cut costs by lowering standards of living and working conditions for the crew.